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Museums are ripe with possibilities
to radically reimagine new ways of sustaining ‘Made-in-Africa’ cultural practices.
Young domestic and international travelers, digital nomads and culture vultures are looking for something that speaks to them.
There are 1000s of small museums across Africa and 300 in South Africa alone. Most are in small towns and secondary cities. As institutions dedicated to the preservation of unique local, regional, national and international culture and heritage, they are protected under national and international law. In a context with few permanent spaces and platforms for cultural expression, they are a valuable resource. Yet they are grossly underutilized and underfunded.
We believe museums represent an incredible opportunity to utilize existing infrastructure to create
a new type of sustainable African space - a generative platform for cross-disciplinary creativity, where heritage meets art, design, performance and more.
Africa is experiencing the fastest population and urban growth in the world. We are moving into or growing up in cities, detached from rural communities where much of our cultural heritage and traditions are preserved. These cities and towns have few accessible, permanent, public spaces where diverse, non-commercial arts and culture can be expressed and enjoyed - especially for and by young generations.